Dr.Jart 닥터자르트 2배속 리페어, WONDER CICAPAIR
TV / Viral Adverts



 Dr.Jart 닥터자르트 2배속 리페어, WONDER CICAPAIR

Client - Dr.Jart
Agency - locus

Production - imagopictures / Roll - 3D, Compositing, 2D
Director - hwang se jin
Creative Director - lee hyuk soo
3D Art & Motion Graphic - lee hyuk soo, park sung hyun, choi hyung seok
2D Motion - lee sung soo, kim ji yeon
Tiger CG - 4th creative party



닥터자르트의 기존의 감각적인 디자인 모티브를 활용해 영상 구성, 호랑이가 싸우고 나서 병풀밭에 뒹굴며 상처를 치료 했다는 속설이 있을 정도로 피부 재생효과가 뛰어난 병풀의 효능을 효과적으로 표현
‌We designed our brand film for Dr. Jart with the company's design motive of sensuality and elegance in mind. We wanted to express the product's ability to heal and soothe skin much like the tiger who finds sanctuary and rejuvenation in soft meadows after battle, a common and relatable concept within Korean mythology.